BCM Abogados

Law Firm specialized in
Labour Law

Presence in the Balearic Islands and Madrid


Our team is composed by lawyers specializing in labour and Social Security law, with an extensive professional career in top-level Firms.

We have wide experience in labour advice for national and international companies, Top managers and employees. Our priority is to assist the client to achieve the expected objectives and, above all, to be able to take correct decisions, from a legal but also strategic point of view.

Currently our team has presence in the cities of Ibiza and Madrid. In addition, we have the collaboration of top-level legal services Firms (“Best Friends”), which facilitate the provision of a comprehensive service to the client with specialists in other matters, such as: civil law, corporate law, urban law, criminal law, tax law, transfer pricing or industrial property.

Our values

Practical and strategic
point of view

Assuming that all lawyers have legal knowledge, the difference is made by the practical and strategic point of view, focused at all times on achieving the client's objective.


Maximum commitment to our clients, offering them the solutions that best adapt to their needs, with the speed of response they demand from us.


Based on continuous and permanent training, adapting to constant regulatory and legislative modifications.


More than 15 years dedicated to providing legal services to companies, Top managers and employees allow us to help our clients with the necessary diligence.

Do you need labour legal advice?

Presence in the Balearic Islands and Madrid

The best team of labor lawyers with presence in Ibiza and Madrid


Our labour services

Lawyers specialized in labour law



General labour advisory service or specific assistance, among others, in the following matters:

  • Study and answer all queries related to the Company's usual activity in labour and/or Social Security matters.
  • Labour and Social Security Due Diligence.
  • Hiring and general advice on remuneration matters.
  • Working time.
  • Individual modification of working conditions, individual geographical mobility and functional mobility, etc.
  • Disciplinary regime including dismissals.
  • Advice on business succession.
  • Relationships with third parties: ETT, subcontracting companies and self-employed workers.
  • Assistance to conciliation administrative act or litigation in the Social Jurisdiction and administrative procedures before the Labour Authorities.
  • Specific situations of the employeer: maternity, leaves of absence, reconciliation of family and work life, etc.
  • Collective matters: restructuring, collective dismissals, substantial modification of working conditions, functional or geographical mobility, negotiation of company collective agreements, etc.
  • Design of equality plans and harassment protocols.
  • Workers representatives.

Top Managers

  • Study and answer all queries as a top manager (special senior management labour relationship).
  • Preparation and review of top management contracts, with attention to special clauses: post-contractual non-competition, Golden parachutes, exclusivity, incentives, etc.
  • Advice on Social Security matters, in order to determine the correct classification of the top manager.
  • Assistance and negotiation in contractual terminations (both due to resignations and dismissals).
  • Advice and assistance in conciliation acts or labour trials.


  • Study and answer all queries about the provision of labor services.
  • Dismissals or sanctions.
  • Hiring.
  • General advice on salary matters.
  • Working time: part-time, distribution of the day, vacations, overtime, etc.
  • Maternity, paternity, leaves of absence, permits, temporary disabilities, reconciliation of family and work life, etc.
  • Assistance to administrative conciliation acts and labour litigation.

Other legal services

In addition to be specialists in labour and Social Security law, we have collaboration agreements with top-level legal services Firms (“Best Friends”), which help us to provide a comprehensive service to the client, coordinating all types of consultations, such as:

Civil law

Corporate Law

Urban Law

Tax Law

Criminal law

Industrial property

Transfer Pricing



Do you need our legal services?

If you are interested in hiring our legal services, please contact us.

We will provide you with our service proposal at no cost.